Primary Research: How To Conduct It Successfully

According to primary research definition, it is a type of investigation that includes collecting information directly from the real world. It can be performed through surveys, observations, interviews etc. The main difference between primary and secondary research consists in the type of information investigated.

While conducting the former, you collect the data by observing the real world, interviewing people or doing a pioneering analysis of the real world phenomena. The latter presupposes that you examine the already existing results of somebody else’s research. In other words, analyzing the results of research in journals, magazines and books is secondary research, while investigating the subject on your own is primary research.

Many students ask ‘Primary vs secondary research, which is better?’ First of all, it depends on the aim of your investigation. Second of all, a good paper often includes both secondary and primary research source. Anyway, if you still feel unsure of the investigation, leave us your request ‘write my research paper for me’ and we will deal with your problem.


We have already answered the question ‘What is primary research?’ Now let us see what its types are. There are 4 main types of primary research you can conduct:

  1. Interview

If you want to get information straight from the horse’s mouth, the best way is to interview a person or a group of people. This is how you can get a professional opinion on your subject straight from an expert.

  1. Survey

The main difference between surveys and interviews consists in the size of a group questioned. A survey will help you find out what a large group of people think about your subject. However, an interview will provide more specific opinion, but from a smaller group of people.

  1. Observation

This type of research involves observing people, locales, events, and taking organized notes. Observation is the best way to get an impartial opinion on a subject.

  1. Analysis

You collect and analyze data based on your own criteria. Analysis is useful to discover similarities, differences, trends etc.


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