Sample Essay on Gun Control. Public Opinion on Gun Control Laws in the US

Mass shootings and accidental deaths have become an everyday event while media companies clamor for excuses to defend their positions on the subject. Everyone has an opinion and believes his side is correct. However, what if both sides are wrong?

Conservatives believe it is their right to protect themselves from trespass and government intrusion, while liberals claim we need more gun control laws instituted to protect people from violent crimes. Ultimately, both sides are correct, but the approach needs to be re-strategized so that we can come to a happy medium as citizens.

The most recent mass shooting, at Umpqua College, elicited different responses across the country, with California restricting public carrying on all college campuses and Texas writing a law which made it legal to open carry on campus. Other reactions included new legislation being introduced and petitions being promoted on to help promote gun control. This is a typical response to violent tragedy, but history shows that new laws do not necessarily make much difference.

This is also reflected in a recent study, which found that Americans support gun control much less now than they did in the 1950s. John Lott, an opinion writer for Fox News, reports that according to a Gallup poll, 6 out of 10 Americans believe that a gun makes a home safer. His research finds “since blacks are the most likely victims of violent crime, they are also the ones who benefit most from being able to defend themselves.”

The flaw of each argument is that the fundamental problems which contribute to violent behavior are not being addressed. The underlying reason why these mass murders happen is because of the cognitive dissonance in America. Gun control and gun ownership arguments are important, but are merely another way of distracting the public from the fact that our middle class is disappearing. Until we can come together as a nation, this issue is not going to be resolved.

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